The generous partners we could not do without / Alain Chartrand Sonorisation


Alain Chartrand Sonorisation has the talent and experience to choose the perfect music to keep things pumping at the Residence’s annual Walk. Plus, he and his top-quality equipment always ensure we can deliver our speeches with top-notch sound.

Alain Chartrand puts his skills (and those of his team members) to work for the Residence to ensure that other families can enjoy special moments with their loved ones at end-of-life as he and his family did in 2012.

In January of that year, his father-in-law was admitted to the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Residence. Alain and his family were wrapped in the human warmth of the staff members, and also extremely touched by the extent to which Alain’s father-in-law was cared for with the utmost tenderness and respect.

All too aware that such care would be impossible without the funds gathered during events such as the Walk, Alain Chartrand was pleased to provide sound services for the 2016 edition. We were privileged to be able to count on him in the years that followed and continue to benefit from his generosity once again this year.

For Alain and his team, ambassadors of our Walk, the Residence is a treasure of incredible value for our region.